

--发布于 2022-02-12 09:45:21

WireGuard securely encapsulates IP packets over UDP. You add a WireGuard interface, configure it with your private key and your peers' public keys, and then you send packets across it.

WireGuard works by adding a network interface (or multiple), like eth0 or wlan0, called wg0 (or wg1, wg2, wg3, etc). This network interface can then be configured normally using ifconfig(8) or ip-address(8), with routes for it added and removed using route(8) or ip-route(8), and so on with all the ordinary networking utilities. The specific WireGuard aspects of the interface are configured using the wg(8) tool. This interface acts as a tunnel interface.

WireGuard associates tunnel IP addresses with public keys and remote endpoints. When the interface sends a packet to a peer, it does the following:

  1. This packet is meant for Which peer is that? Let me look... Okay, it's for peer ABCDEFGH. (Or if it's not for any configured peer, drop the packet.)
  2. Encrypt entire IP packet using peer ABCDEFGH's public key.
  3. What is the remote endpoint of peer ABCDEFGH? Let me look... Okay, the endpoint is UDP port 53133 on host
  4. Send encrypted bytes from step 2 over the Internet to using UDP.

When the interface receives a packet, this happens:

  1. I just got a packet from UDP port 7361 on host Let's decrypt it!
  2. It decrypted and authenticated properly for peer LMNOPQRS. Okay, let's remember that peer LMNOPQRS's most recent Internet endpoint is using UDP.
  3. Once decrypted, the plain-text packet is from Is peer LMNOPQRS allowed to be sending us packets as
  4. If so, accept the packet on the interface. If not, drop it.

Behind the scenes there is much happening to provide proper privacy, authenticity, and perfect forward secrecy, using state-of-the-art cryptography.

WireGuard像普通以太网接口一样,以Linux内核模块的形式运行,支持任何类型的二层网络通信,例如 ARP、DHCP 和 ICMP,而不仅仅是 TCP/HTTP,但它不能发送原始的二层以太网帧。

中继服务器(Bounce Server)和普通的对等节点一样,它能够在 NAT 后面的 VPN 客户端之间充当中继服务器,可以将收到的任何 VPN 子网流量转发到正确的对等节点。

在 WireGuard 里,客户端和服务端基本是平等的,差别只是谁主动连接谁而已。双方都会监听一个 UDP 端口,谁主动连接,谁就是客户端。主动连接的客户端需要指定对端的公网地址和端口,被动连接的服务端不需要指定其他对等节点的地址和端口。如果客户端和服务端都位于 NAT 后面,需要加一个中继服务器,客户端和服务端都指定中继服务器作为对等节点,它们的通信流量会先进入中继服务器,然后再转发到对端。

WireGuard 使用加密的 UDP 报文来封装所有的数据,UDP 不保证数据包一定能送达,也不保证按顺序到达,但隧道内的 TCP 连接可以保证数据有效交付。

--更新于 2023-03-09 10:51:41